Page 43 - 2021PSF-ResilientCoastsForSalmon-NewLogo-Primer-Web
P. 43
Photo by: Maria Catanzaro
Avoiding building along shorelines is another These plans leave areas along the coastline
strategy . This should be applied to new devel- undeveloped to allow natural processes and
opments; whereby low-lying areas are avoided . the natural migration of habitats to occur . Nature-
Construction must be planned far enough from based solutions such as Green Shores, detailed in
the shoreline to negate the need for hard armouring Chapter 8, is an excellent example of how we can
structures . Consideration must be given to where accommodate sea level rise .
tidal flooding will reach in the decades to come .
Accommodate Managed retreat refers to relocating structures
Coastal development may continue so long as we that are close to the shoreline to protect them
adapt to the rising sea and ‘accommodate’ for the from future damage from sea level rise (Figure 7 .3) .
changes . The accommodate strategy means coastal Although this will be costly in the short term, it will
communities plan for a changing sea level . be necessary in many low-lying regions .
The need to protect communities, properties, culturally important places
and resources, and overall ecosystems is urgent. We can choose to
manage our coastlines to be as adaptive and resilient as possible.