Resilient Coasts for Salmon is part of the PSF 
Marine Science Program


Jacklyn Barrs, Forage Fish & Marine Conservation Specialist, WWF-Canada

Jacklyn is a forage fish and marine conservation specialist on the restoration and regeneration team with World Wildlife Fund – Canada (WWF-Canada). She has a Bachelor of Science with honours in Marine Biology from Dalhousie University and more than 10 years of working as an applied marine biologist. In her role with WWF-Canada, Jacklyn develops conservation strategies that are designed to restore and preserve healthy and intact marine food webs that are an indication of healthy coastal and marine ecosystems. Forage fish are an essential part of the marine ecosystem, acting as a bridge between marine trophic levels. They feed on the lower levels (e.g., plankton) and transfer the nutrients to marine predators (e.g., Pacific salmon). To conserve forage fish and support resilient marine food webs, WWF-Canada coordinates and strengthens a “community- based” forage fish monitoring network that identify forage fish beach spawning habitat in the British Columbia Salish Sea. These spawning beaches need to be identified, so that those beaches that have been degraded can be restored (e.g., beach nourishments and/or ‘softer’ nature-based approaches) and the beaches that are at risk from human activities (e.g., hard armouring) can be protected.

Ian Douglas Bruce, Executive Coordinator for Peninsula Streams Society

Ian is a registered professional biologist and completed a Diploma in Restoration of Natural Systems at UVic in 2003. He is the executive coordinator for Peninsula Streams Society, involved in research, restoration, innovative projects, public education and private land stewardship. Through his consulting firm, Watershed Ecological Services Ltd., he also provides ecological and fisheries services to industry, government and First Nations. Ian is currently involved in local efforts for beach nourishment and living shoreline projects around Greater Victoria. He and his team at Peninsula Streams will be involved in the development of one of the key restoration demonstration sites in Victoria (Gorge region).

Other partners include

Alana Mullaly, General Manager, Planning and Development Services, Comox Valley Regional District; Jennifer Sutherst, Project Manager and Estuary Coordinator, Comox Valley Project Watershed Society; and Jennifer Tyler, Harbours and Watersheds Coordinator, Capital Regional District.

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