Resilient Coasts for Salmon is part of the PSF 
Marine Science Program


Latest updates

On this page, you can find recent developments of the Resilient Coasts for Salmon Project. Find upcoming events here, including upcoming Green Shores Training. To stay in the loop, subscribe for email updates here.

We have been making lots of progress at our demo sites!

June 2024 - Read all about the progress that has been occurring at our three Green Shores Demonstration sites in our fourth newsletter all about demo site updates.

It’s an exciting time of year – be on the lookout for herring spawning!

February 2024 - Did you know that February and March is when one of the greatest shows on our coast takes place? Herring spawning, which represents a vital pulse to the food web, is an annual occurrence that brings in schools of the small fish to nearshore areas along with seals, sea lions, and whales, and turns the water a spectacular turquoise so vibrant it can be seen from space! Be sure to get out there to witness it and when you do, you can record your sighting on the iNaturalist Herring Spawn and Nurseries Project page.

Learn more about Pacific herring and their significance to the salmon food web and the work the PSF Marine Science is undertaking to better understand this critical forage fish.

Newsletter Vol. 3 is released!

November 2023 - This latest newsletter features the impacts of modified shorelines on salmon. Learn how salmon are affected and what can be done to lessen those impacts. Read it now!

Wilbur has been out and about mapping... and in the News!

July 2023 - Read up about Wilbur's - our little boat mapping the coast - latest antics:

Tiny boat named Wilbur mapping eastern Vancouver Island coast - Parksville Qualicum Beach News (

Salmon foundation creating 'Shoreline View' of Island's east coast - My Tri-Port Now (

The Songhees Walkway Demo Site has been planted with native plants

July 2023 - Restoration of the Songhees Walkway Demonstration Site is one step closer to completion following the planting of native riparian vegetation to help stabilize the shoreline. Read about in this feature in the Times Colonist.

Demo Site Update - Esquimalt Gorge

May 2023 - An update on the stakeholder-informed design and key restoration features, proposed construction timing, and work with the Township of Esquimalt, Capital Regional District, Coastal Collaborative Sciences (of World Fisheries Trust), Songhees Nation and Esquimalt Nation within Esquimalt Gorge Park.

Resilient Coasts is now a part of the SEA’TIES Map of Solutions!

February 2023 - The SEA’TIES initiative was developed by the Ocean and Climate Platform with the goal of facilitating the development of public policies and the implementation of adaptation solutions for coastal cities threatened by rising sea levels. Check out the Map of Solutions to explore policies, research projects and restoration in cities around the globe as they adapt to sea level rise.

New Newsletter for the New Year

February 2023 - Learn about all of the progress we have made in our first two years on the project in this newsletter.

Demo Site Update - Dyke Road Park

January 2023 - Progress on is being made on the stakeholder-informed concept design and restoration plan. The proposed construction timing is expected to begin in Fall 2024. See the Dyke Road Park Demonstration Site page to learn more.

2022 Mapping Workshops Wrapped!

October 2022 - Thanks for making this first round a success! Sign up for our email updates (below) to be the first to know about our next round of workshops, coming to mid Vancouver Island communities in summer 2023. For more details, see our page about mapping workshops

Phase One Construction has Begun at the Songhees Walkway Green Shores Demonstration Site - And Forage Fish have Noticed!

October 2022 - 'If you build, it they will come!' Within weeks of replacing the concrete debris and rocks that lined the Songhees Walkway Pocket Beach with sand and gravel, surf smelt have already used the restored habitat to spawn! See more about this great news in this article on Chek News. Click here to find out more about the progress and planning for the site.

Our Climate Change Primer is now available!

May 2022 - Impacts of Climate Change on Shorelines, People, and Salmon: Nature-based Approaches for Ecosystem Health has been posted here. Check it out to learn about the impacts of climate change and hard armouring as well as nature based adaptation solutions.

Happy Earth Day!

April 2022 - Spend your weekend getting to know and looking after your shore! Check out these 10 ideas for ways to know your shores, some of which feature the Resilient Coasts for Salmon's Tool Kit!

New Demonstration Site!

October 2021 - Esquimalt Gorge park is the location of the newest Green Shores® demonstration site for our Resilient Coasts for Salmon: Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change project. With our partners at the Stewardship Centre for BC, the Resilient Coasts for Salmon team will restore this waterway using nature-based solutions to improve the habitat for Pacific salmon and many other species!


2024 Resilient Coasts for Salmon Newsletter Vol. 4

2023 Resilient Coast for Salmon Newsletter Vol. 3

2023 Resilient Coasts for Salmon Newsletter Vol. 2
2021 Resilient Coasts for Salmon Newsletter

If you would like to keep up to date with Resilient Coasts for Salmon, please sign up for our eNews below.

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Copyright © The Pacific Salmon Foundation