Resilient Coasts for Salmon is part of the PSF 
Marine Science Program

Webinar: Coastal Stewardship for Homeowners

Shorelines represent the complex interface between land and water; a transition zone from the terrestrial to the aquatic. This zone provides critical habitat for coastal species including Pacific salmon, forage fish, and many others, and supports biological and physical processes that make the coast rich with life. Healthy shorelines nurture the coast in many ways, however they are threatened by coastal modification and impacts of climate change.

Tune into the webinar linked below to learn about the coastal risks of climate change, the drawbacks of using hard armouring on the shoreline, and how we can all be stewards of the coastal environment. Thank you to the webinar hosts: the Real Estate Institute of British Columbia. Click the image below to access the webinar recording, and use code #0*lgfJq.

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