Resilient Coasts for Salmon is part of the PSF 
Marine Science Program

Meet our team

DG Blair

Executive Director, Stewardship Centre for BC

DG Blair has over 25 years of experience in stewardship and environmental project management and has been leading Green Shores® since 2009. As Executive Director of the Stewardship Centre for BC, DG provides overall strategic leadership of Green Shores. She has co-authored numerous publications including Green Shores: Using Voluntary Ratings and Certification Programs to Guide Sustainable Shoreline Development (CRC Press 2017), Greening Shorelines, Enhancing Resilience in a Changing Climate: Green Shores Training (Sitelines 2017); Green Shores – a Tool in the Shoreline Resilience Toolbox (SCBC 2021); and is technical lead for updates to the Green Shores for Shoreline Development guide (2020) and the Green Shores for Homes guide (in press 2022). She is a member of Natural Resources Canada’s national Coastal Management Working Group; manages the BC Green Shores Local Government Working Group; has taught numerous Green Shores courses through the University of Victoria, BCIT and Saint Mary’s University and provides overall program oversight for bringing Green Shores to more communities in BC and beyond. DG also coordinates Green Shore’s extensive in-kind support by Green Shores Technical Advisory Committee with over 60 members across Canada; Green Shores technical advisors as well as the SCBC Conservation and Stewardship Practices Committee. Ms. Blair will provide project oversight; manage and deliver training sessions for community, stewardship groups, municipal planners and shoreline professionals and provide project management for the Green Shores Resilient Coasts for Salmon demonstration sites.

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