Resilient Coasts for Salmon is part of the PSF 
Marine Science Program

Tool Kit

Use this Tool Kit to find inspiration and actions you can do personally to reduce your environmental impact.

Sort through the topics - from reducing the contaminated stormwater runoff from your property, to joining a local stewardship group, to decreasing your carbon foot print - for ideas that appeal and apply to you. Together, putting these tips into action can help improve conditions for salmon and all the habitats they rely on.

Naturalizing Shorelines

Nature-based solutions

Being a green boater

Eco-friendly boating, Reducing your footprint

Harvesting Rainwater

Dealing with drought, Eco-friendly garden, Stormwater runoff solutions

Places to Visit and Learn

Getting involved and learning

Ways to Enact Actions for the Climate

Reducing your footprint

Saving Electricity

Reducing your footprint

Greening Your Wardrobe

Reducing your footprint

Planting a Native Garden

Eco-friendly garden

Salmon Friendly Docks

Eco-friendly boating, Reducing your footprint

Protecting Eelgrass When Boating

Eco-friendly boating, Reducing your footprint

Go Zero Waste (or close to it)!

Reducing your footprint

Join a Local Stewardship Group

Getting involved and learning

Pesticides to Avoid

Eco-friendly garden

Reduce the Impact of What You Eat

Reducing your footprint

Choose Green Energy

Reducing your footprint

Make Your Own Safe Cleaning Supplies

Reducing your footprint

Plant a Rain Garden

Eco-friendly garden, Nature-based solutions, Stormwater runoff solutions

Permeable Paving

Nature-based solutions, Stormwater runoff solutions


Eco-friendly garden, Nature-based solutions, Reducing your footprint

Copyright © The Pacific Salmon Foundation